About the Department

The Electrical Engineering Department came into existence in the year 1961, with the objective to produce technical man power of high quality and promote research and development activity. With a modest beginning of introducing four year Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree programme in 1961, a post graduate programme in Electrical Machine / Power System / Control System was introduced in the year 1970-71.

Considering the under- graduate education as a vital and important component of its activities, the department started a BE degree programme in Computer Science for the first time in the country in 1976-77, which was later followed by other Colleges / Institutes. Envisioning the growth of Electronics and the consequent technical man power requirement, a BE (Electronics) course was introduced in the year 1982-83. With the three under graduate programmes, a Master's Course in Computer Application (MCA) in 1986 and several M. Tech. programmes (regular and part time) were introduced.

Currently, Electrical Engineering Department offers courses leading to a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering and Post Graduate (M. Tech.) and Ph.D programs in (i) Power Electronics & Drives (ii) Control & Instrumentation and (iii) Power System, under Regular, Part-Time and QIP categories. The EED has qualified and experienced faculty in all the related fields of Electrical Engineering viz. Electrical Power System, Electrical Machines, Control and Instrumentation and Power Electronics. The theoretical knowledge is further supplemented by six (6) well-equipped laboratories namely (i) Electrical Machine & Power Systems Lab (ii) Power Electronics & Drives Lab (iii) Computer Simulation Lab (iv) Measurement & Instrumentation Lab (v) Virtual Instrumentation Lab and (vi) Control Systems Lab.

The department has undertaken a number of research projects/schemes with the financial assistance from MNRE, DST and MHRD etc., including international collaborative research projects. The department is also actively engaged in research, consultancy and testing in the emerging areas of Electrical Engineering. The Department has been recognized as QIP centre for Ph.D. for engineering and polytechnic colleges' faculty members.


Vision of the Department

To produce globally competitive technical manpower with sound knowledge of theory and practice, with a commitment to serve the society and to foster cutting edge research in Electrical Engineering pertaining to the problems currently faced by the country and the world.


Mission of the Department

  1. To develop state of art lab facilities for research and consultancy.
  2. To develop infrastructure and procurement of cutting edge tools/equipment.
  3. To develop relevant content for quality teaching.
  4. To improve symbiotic relationship with Industry for collaborative research and resource generation.


Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) for UG Programme


To produce students for Industry, Research, Academic Institutions and Government Organization


To produce students who are at par with the world classified institutions and useful to society


To generate adequate human resources for employment opportunities in the critically important and dynamic electrical industry and in the context of a socio-economic and sustainable society


Uniquely combine practical, hands-on training with cutting-edge research and teaching and also to develop trained manpower with strong knowledge base to undertake and execute sponsored and collaborative research programmes and consultancies to promote long term academia industrial collaboration as well as for generating resources


Programme Outcomes (POs) for UG Programme


Student’s successfully completing UG programmes are equipped with all modern tools and techniques, which is best suited for higher academic studies, job in industry and socio-economic development.


The solid foundation of theoretical knowledge in science, mathematics and computational aspects makes the students suitable for advanced research and development activities.


Application/design oriented hardware project works done by the students provide hands on experience in specific area leading to entrepreneurship development.


The projects are allotted in groups which help them to develop spirit of team work and working in multicultural environment.


Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) for PG Programme (Power Electronics & Drives)


Combine theoretical and practical knowledge to deliver products and services in the areas of power electronics and drives to provide continuous improvement and innovation.


Be adequately updated on the latest technologies and tools through hands-on training for entrepreneurship.


Possess good communication and leadership skills with professional integrity for career advancement and to create positive environment in the workplace.


Be successfully employed in industry, academia and research institutions.


Be able to undertake and execute research & consultancy to cater the needs of society for sustainable development.


Program Outcomes (POs) for PG Programme (Power Electronics & Drives)


Ability to apply knowledge of power electronics and drives for design and development of power electronics systems for diverse engineering applications, suitable for industries, academia and research requirements.


An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems in the field of power electronics and drives.


Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program.


An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document in order to communicate ideas and solutions of research problem through publication in journals and conference proceedings.


Possess good leadership, communication skill and sound technical knowledge for effective team work.


Motivation for continuous and self-learning for knowledge update and sustainability.


Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) for PG Programme (Control & Instrumentation)


Combine theoretical and practical knowledge to deliver products and services in the areas of Control & Instrumentation to provide continuous improvement and innovation.


Be adequately updated on the latest technologies and tools through hands-on training for entrepreneurship.


Possess good communication and leadership skills with professional integrity for career advancement and to create positive environment in the workplace.


Be successfully employed in industry, academia and research institutions.


Be able to undertake and execute research & consultancy to cater the needs of society for sustainable development.


Program Outcomes (POs) for PG Programme (Control & Instrumentation)


Ability to apply knowledge of control and instrumentation for design and development of control systems for diverse engineering applications, suitable for industries, academia and research requirements.


An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems in the field of control and instrumentation


Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program.


An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document in order to communicate ideas and solutions of research problem through publication in journals and conference proceedings.


Possess good leadership, communication skill and sound technical knowledge for effective team work.


Motivation for continuous and self-learning for knowledge update and sustainability.


Contact Information

Prof. Asheesh Kumar Singh

Head, Department of Electrical Engineering

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad


Phone No: 0532-227-1401

Email: [email protected]