Professor Rama Shanker Verma  

Designation: Professor and Director, MNNIT Allahabad, Prayagraj-211004 (U.P.)
Qualification:  M.Sc, Ph.D. [FNASc, FBRSI, FAMI]
Area of Interest:
  • Trans-differentiation study of stem cell into cardiac tissue and elucidation and mechanism and genetic and epigenetic level
  • Study on 3D culture of stem and cancer cells under microgravity
  • Construction of novel cyto-lytic fusion proteins (immunotoxin) against cancer
  • Drug Delivery System against leukemia
  • Liver and Heart-valve tissue engineering
  • Elucidation of Notch and Wnt signaling pathway in Fanconi Anemia (Rare blood disorder)
Phone No.: +91 532-2271002, 2545190
FAX No.: +91 0532-2545341
Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Shivesh Sharma  

Designation: Professor 
Qualification: M.Sc,Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Environmental Biotechnology, Plant Microbe interaction, Microbiology
Phone No.: +91-532-2271258(O),+91-532-2271949 (R)
Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Anjana Pandey  

Designation: Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. -BHU, Varanasi
Area of Interest: Molecular Microbiology and Plant Molecular Biology: Biohydrogen production and Technology, Molecular markers in Plants and microbes. 
Nanobiotechnology: Fluorescent / phosphorescent / magnetic nanoparticles / membrane structures and its applications.
Phone No.: +91-532-2271288

[email protected]

[email protected]

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bt anjana

Dr. Sangeeta Negi(Bora)  

Designation: Associate Professor & Head
Qualification: M.Sc,Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Enzymology,Product and process development, enzyme technology, bio-chemistry, bio-remediation, environmental micro-biology, industrial micro-biology.
Phone No.: +91-532-2271221(O)
Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Nand Kumar Singh  

Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Molecular Biology: Genetic Engineering, Genomics and proteomics, Metabolic Engineering, Genetic modification of plant and microbes for application in food quality improvement, bioenergy and environment.
Plant biotechnology: Plant tissue culture and modification of plant for medical importance. Processing and modeling of plants and microbial nanomolecules for drug development.
Phone No.: +91-532-2271220(O)
Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Vishnu Agarwal

Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Medical Microbiology, Immuno-modulation, Biofilm based infections & Therapy.
Phone No.: +91-532-2541226(O)
Email: [email protected]
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Dr Vishnu Agarwal Pics

Dr. (Mrs.) Manisha Sachan    

Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: M.Sc.,Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Molecular Biology,Epigenetics and Chromatin Remodeling.
Phone No.: +  91-9235523167(R)
Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Seema Nara  

Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: M.Sc.,Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Immunodiagnostics/nanobiotechnology,Development of diagnostic assays for microbes or clinically important molecules, nanoparticle based diagnostic systems, synthesis and use of nanoparticles and their use in diagnostics.
Phone No.: +91-532-2271288
Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Ashutosh Mani  

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. - Allahabad University, Allahabad
Area of Interest: Bioinformatics: Molecular Modeling and Drug Designing, Molecular Evolution & Comparative Genomics
Phone No.: +91-532-2271279
Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Radha Rani Mewaram

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. - NEERI, Nagpur
Area of Interest: Environmental Biotechnology and Microbiology, Biodegradation, Phyto/ bioremediation
Phone No.: +91-532-2271279
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
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Radha Rani Mewaram

Dr. Ambak Kumar Rai

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. - AIIMS, Delhi
Area of Interest: Medical Biotechnology: Immunology of Intracellular Infection(s), Immune regulation
Phone No.: +91-532-2271279
Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
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AKR image

Dr. Sameer Srivastava

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. - NCL, Pune
Area of Interest: Epigenetics, Regulation of gene expression, Molecular biology
Phone No.: +91-532-2271279
Email: [email protected]
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Sameer Srivastava

Dr. Joyabrata Mal

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Tech (IIT G), Ph.D (UNESCO-IHE, Netherlands)
Area of Interest: Environmental Biotechnology, Applications of Bioreactor for Wastewater treatment, Bioremediation and Resource recovery, Environmental nanotechnology
Phone No.:

: + 91 7044284075

Email: [email protected], [email protected]
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JoyabrataMal image

Dr. Rupika Sinha

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D.
Area of Interest: Fermentation Technology, Bioprocess Engineering, Bioremediation.
Phone No.:


Email: [email protected]
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Rupika Sinha