Dr. (Mrs.) Sadhana Sachan  

Designation: Professor & Head
Qualification: Ph.D. (IITK)
Area of Interest: Membrane Separation, Polymer Technology.
Phone No.: +91-532-2271522,+91-532-24455101, +91-532-2445077
Email: [email protected]
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HOD Chemical Deptt. pic 

Dr. Mohammad Siraj Alam

Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. (IITR)
Area of Interest: Nucleate Pool boiling, Heat Transfer, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Distillation, and CFD.
Phone No.: +91-532-2271584(O); +91-532-2271716 (R)
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
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Dr. Sushil Kumar

Designation: Associate Professor 
Qualification: Ph. D
Area of Interest: Process Intensification, Separation Processes Polymer Technology, Biochemical Engineering, Modeling and Simulation
Phone No.: 09455421398
Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Ankur Gaur

Designation: Asst. Professor
Qualification: Ph.D
Area of Interest: Carbon Capture, Waste Water Treatment, Thermodynamics
Phone No.: 09910068765
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
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Dr. Ankur Gaur Chemical Engineering 

Dr.  Harinder Singh

Designation: Asst. Professor
Qualification: Ph. D
Area of Interest: Starch,   nanotechnology, colloid science, novel reactors/separators for bioactive components, synthesis of organic compounds like MOFs,  natural colorants.
Phone No.:  9936393111
Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Ashish  N. Sawarkar

Designation: Asst. Professor
Qualification: Ph. D.(ICT, Mumbai)
Area of Interest: Biomass Utilization, Pyrolysis and Gasification, Waste to Energy, Petroleum Residue Upgrading
Phone No.: 08795291646
Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Shabih-ul-Hasan

Designation: Asst. Professor
Qualification: Ph.D (IIT Bombay)
Area of Interest:

Modelling and Simulation, Process Design and Optimization, Selectivity Engineering,Reactive and Hybrid Separations, Membrane separations, Multiphase and Microreactors, Process Intensification, Conceptual design of Novel Reactors/Separators, Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies, Coke/Coal Gasification.

Phone No.: 08090803400
Email: [email protected]
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 Dr. Shabih Ul Hasan

Dr. Suantak Kamsonlian

Designation: Asst. Professor
Qualification: Ph. D (IIT Roorkee)
Area of Interest: Environmental Science and Engineering, Industrial Hazard and Safety Management, Wastewater Treatment, Electrochemistry, Biochemical Engineering, Petroleum Refinery Operations, Design and Optimization of Chemical Processes.
Phone No.: 07376539875
Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Dipesh Shikchand Patle

Designation: Asst. Professor
Qualification: PhD (USM Malaysia), PDF (POLIMI Italy-Erasmus Mundus)
Area of Interest: Biodiesel Synthesis, Process Intensification & Simulation, Plantwide control.
Phone No.: (+91) 9003670402
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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Dr. Manju Verma

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur)
Area of Interest: Computational Chemistry, Computational material Science, Molecular Simulation
Phone No.:


Email: [email protected]
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Dr. Parul Katiyar

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur)
Area of Interest: Molecular Simulations, Adsorption and self-assembly of nanoparticles
Phone No.:


Email: [email protected]
 View Profile

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